Society for Glycobiology (SfG) Symposium: Glycobiology of Immune Responses
Fikri Y. Avci, University of Georgia
Linda G. Baum, University of California, Los Angeles
Linda G. Baum, University of California, Los Angeles, Regulation of immune cell function by galectin-glycoprotein lattices on the cell surface
Bruce S. Bochner, Northwestern University, Airway glycans that control allergic lung inflammation by interacting with eosinophil siglecs
Taia Wang, Rockefeller University, IgG Fc glycoforms in protective and pathogenic antibody responses
Brian A. Cobb, Case Western Reserve University, Carbohydrate-mediated immune regulation
Fikri Y. Avci, University of Georgia, New insights on carbohydrate antigens and immune responses